Posted in $$ - Bring your debit card, $$$ - Better budget a little for this
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Kanki Raleigh

Japanese food was on the menu last night! Since it’s a popular restaurant, we decided to make reservations. Good thing because when we arrived, they were already packed out. There are three Kanki locations in the Raleigh-Durham area; last night we ate at the Old Wake Forest Road restaurant. The fun begins as soon as... Continue reading

Posted in $ - Grab change from the couch cushions, $$ - Bring your debit card, Italian, Pizza
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Searching for NY-style Pizza: Fuhgeddaboudit in Raleigh

We’re on a quest to find some great-tasting NY Pizza. You know the kind: the slices are so big that you have to fold it in half, all the grease runs down your hand to your wrist, the cheese is ooey gooey on top of a great red sauce on that oh-so-thin crust. Mmmm makes... Continue reading

Posted in $$ - Bring your debit card, $$$ - Better budget a little for this
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Succulent Savoy

On Friday night we braved the cold and snow to head out to Savoy for a nice, romantic dinner. We’d been once before just for dessert and enjoyed the atmosphere, so this time we wanted the whole dining experience. Savoy is a smaller restaurant tucked into a shopping center, but it’s super convenient to get... Continue reading

Posted in $$ - Bring your debit card, Bar and Grills, Just outside of North Raleigh
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Busy Bee Cafe

So we were sitting around a few nights ago, wondering what to do for the evening. We didn’t feel like watching another movie and definitely didn’t feel like hitting up the mall. We decided to meet up with some friends downtown and the unanimous vote was for the Busy Bee Cafe. I’d never been before... Continue reading

Posted in Holiday Eats
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Christmas dinner?

We all know the traditional scene for Christmas-dinner. It goes something like this: Norman Rockwell-type family, sitting around a table with ham, turkey (or both!) and stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, pies, you name it… and everyone looks like they’re about to devour everything on that table while a cheery fire crackles in the... Continue reading

Posted in $$ - Bring your debit card, Italian
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Stromboli’s Raleigh

On Saturday night, we wanted some calzones!!! We decided to hit up Stromboli’s on Spring Forest Road, where we’ve eaten a few times before and found their food to be pretty good. When it comes to hit-or-miss food experiences, Saturday night was a miss! We called ahead and ordered a calzone with pepperoni and sausage.... Continue reading

Posted in $ - Grab change from the couch cushions, Dessert, Mexican
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Toreros for dessert!!!

Mmmm! What to do after a yummy home cooked meal when you’ve got the munchies for something sweet? You hit the town and get some dessert, that’s what! We decided to go back to Toreros for some fried ice-cream. We hit the restaurant at about 7:30 or so. There were a few people there so... Continue reading

Posted in $$ - Bring your debit card, Bar and Grills
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Eatin good at the North Raleigh Applebee’s!

On Friday night my man and I decided on Applebee’s for dinner. It’s in a real convenient location for us: right at Triangle Town Center off of Old Wake Forest Road and Capital Blvd. (map) It was pretty early when we arrived – just after 5 or so. It had already gotten dark and chilly... Continue reading